Wednesday, April 9, 2008

La problema

Dad and I left the ballpark in the top of the 7th inning yesterday.

The Rangers were behind 6-0 and we didn't want to get into bad traffic. The Cowboys stadium is being built nearby and construction has roads blocked, rerouted and generally f*ed up.

That gave me plenty o' time to meet Brenda at Esparza's in Grapevine for some girl talk. And, boy, did we talk.

She and Deb are having problems (what's new) and she doesn't think they can work through it (what's new). Deb is a control freak (what's new) and Brenda is angry about it (what's new). Brenda has a problem with Deb's parenting skills with her 18- and 22-year-old daughers (what's new). Think the last straw with Brenda was when the oldest daughter announced she was pregnant with boyfriend (what's new), left him for girlfriend (what's new), had a miscarraige (what's new), left girlfriend (what's new) and announced she really didn't have a miscarriage after all (that's new).

Can honestly say I question the moral fiber of someone who lies about losing a baby just to get rid of baby daddy.

Anyway, I see nothing but doom and gloom for those two. Brenda's unhappiness is mounting. But I will stand beside her, as usual.

Oh, and she told me Liz is very unhappy, which I know is burying the lede here. I got a little wrapped up in that news until I realized her unhappiness doesn't mean she wants me back. Just means ... well, I don't know but I'm not going down that road.

OK, maybe a little down the road but not around the corner.

1 comment:

Weelo said...

holy shit!
didn't take long for liz to become unhappy...
it must be so so so hard not to go down that road..............