Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What a difference a year makes

This time last year, Liz and I were in Mexico hoping to reconcile. What we came away with was a realization that despite the unparalled love we have for one another, we couldn't bridge the differences and fears five years of separation had created.

It was a very tough lesson to learn. One that I still struggle with even to this day.

But what I have on this morning of my 53rd year, is the love and adoration of a beautiful and kind woman. A woman who understands that the memories of 13 years is hard to let go of yet believes that I will find a way to do exactly that.

The irony of it is the more she believes in me, the more she opens her arms and comforts me, the more she kisses my tears away, the more I do believe, the more I let go, the more I turn to her.

I love you, Caren. The pain of this past year lessens every day I spend with you.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I went on vacation and a hurricane broke out

Caren and I spent Labor Day weekend in New Orleans.

And so did hundreds of gay boys, LSU fans, the National Guard and Hurricane Gustav.

It turned into a working weekend. I went armed with a FlipVideo camera and a laptop and posted to our hurricane blog before the 'real' team showed up.

Strange being in the French Quarter with windows boarded up and the only sounds are coming from generators and a bad Journey cover band.

I did manage to have a little fun. Got my first lap dance at the Larry Flynnt Barely Legal club. Found where the Corps of Engineers were hurriedly dumping sand in HESCO sand baskets at the Industrial Canal (which breeched and flooded the Lower Ninth Ward). Was asked if I was interested in a three-way with this guy and Caren. 'No? Well, can I watch then?' Uh, no. Was told that if we didn't leave our hotel by 11 a.m. Sunday, we would be taken to an evacuation center. Slept in the New Orleans airport Saturday night.

The photo posted is of me standing on the HESCO baskets after begging the corp dude for a hard hat.