Thursday, November 15, 2007

Lady Luck

They say luck comes in threes. Well, maybe they don't say it, but I do.

Luck No. 1: Underbid $30K in the hottest residential area in FW and got the house.
Luck No. 2: Bossman comes in Tuesday, practically tackles me at the elevator and tells me, after 21 years at the newspaper, he's leaving for a teaching position at Texas Christian U. An hour later, his boss pulled me into her office and offered me the job. I am now Assistant Managing Editor for Design and Graphics, with a slight bump in pay.
Luck No. 3: I'm spending Thanksgiving in Las Vegas. Sure could use a nice, big run at blackjack. Could it be???

1 comment:

Weelo said...

there you go sarah.. you're on a run!
bet you kick some ass in vegas.
if you get a chance stop by and say hey to big elvis for me at the barbury coast.
congrats girl.
it's all karma!