Sunday, December 16, 2007

Home sweet home?

Just ducked into the office for awhile to catch up on email before my two week vacation ends tomorrow.


The home renovation continues to be both exciting and a pain-in-the-ass. Had to switch to black slate flooring because of expense concerns in leveling subfloor. The I decided painting the upper cabinets antique white and lower cabinets black seemed like a good idea.

So 27 cabinet doors are primed and laying in my dining room, which is sheetrocked and waiting for the damn cabinets to be hung so texture can be applied and it can be painted.

My dining room furniture is in the garage along with my new dishwasher and washer and dryer.

I am now $5000 over budget. And there is still much to do.

Like painting the new entry doors, front and back.
Sheetrocking the large bathroom.
Putting in the new bathroom vanity.
Painting the bathroom.
Applying another coat of red to the kitchen.
Picking out a backsplash.
Texturing and painting the bathroom and dining room.
Did I mention the trim?

My contractor swears it will be finished Wednesday. I'm wondering what planet he's from.

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