Saturday, January 26, 2008

Space + time

Caren and I talked last night and decided we need to slow down.

We love each other, no doubt.
And we have fun, yes.

But we're getting too comfortable.

Not that comfortable is bad. But we feel like we've skipped over 'dating' and jumped right into a more serious relationship.

I'm not ready for it. Caren isn't ready for it.

So after this weekend, we're not going to sleep together every night. We're going to:

Sometimes meet for a beer at Gman or The Bush after work.
Taking a boxing class two nights a week.
Go to movies.
Meet at the park to rollerblade (her) and run (me).

It's the right thing to do. Don't want to rush this.

Just want some time to heal.

1 comment:

Weelo said...'re such a wise woman!
it's too soon for a routine isn't it!
i respect you for knowing that you need to go through some of this alone. space and time = healing...

you are one cool chickita!

how's the house coming along?
sending love,