Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Missing her

Today has been the hardest in a long time.

I'm on the verge of being angry with her for not being able to get past her fear and sadness because we aren't talking. It's just too damn painful.

Maybe it's because I'm close to buying a house. Seller accepted my offer, inspection was today and I'm getting that oh-my-God-I'm-really-moving-on feeling. And I remember 13 years ago when Liz and I bought our house.

How we slept on the floor the night before the movers came. How we had candles and wine and toasted our future. Sweet. We were that sickening couple who always got along, always were together, always were in love. Till death do us part.

Feels like death. Feels like I'm dead inside right now. Should be excited but I'm not. Just fucking sad.

This is going to be one rocky night.

1 comment:

Weelo said...

it is a death.
it sucks when dreams die.
i think all of the stages of death and dying are the same when ending a commited relationship as they are with actual physical death.
the darkest hour is just before the dawn..